Hello family!

My name is Lise and I’ve decided it’s long past time to share all the interesting tidbits I’ve come across while researching my family and my husband’s family.

I’ve been doing genealogy for about 25 years now and it’s as much fun to me as any novel or TV show. Sometimes I think, “You can’t make this stuff up!” What’s also amazing is how different our daily life is today from even a hundred years ago. For instance, minor illnesses today were deadly back then.

My family lived mainly in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Ireland, and Germany. A lot of them lived in New York City. When I get tired of looking for them there, I like to research my husband’s family in Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Alabama, and Georgia.

I have written a couple of books about the family, but there are too many branches to write a book about every one! Our families are a good example of the power of square numbers. We have 21 = 2 parents, 22 = 4 grandparents, 23 = 8 great-grandparents, 24 = 16 great great-grandparents, and so on. When I started doing genealogy, I knew the full names of 3 of my grandparents. That’s pretty normal. Now I’ve found so many ancestors, I could never write a book about all of them. That’s why I’m starting this blog. I would love to hear from you. Please let me know if something I write is unclear.

Also, I will probably be tweaking the appearance of this blog for a while, so it will probably look different the next time I post - my apologies!


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